Although I've been in the woodworking field for most of my life, Scott James Furniture & Design is only in its infancy. I began working for renowned custom bed designer Stephen Plaud when I was just 15 years old, sweeping the shop after school. For more than 20 years, I have worked alongside Stephen and helped to produce thousands of traditional and contemporary style pieces of furniture for architects, interior designers and decorators from all over the country. In 2017, I took over the Stephan Plaud business and created Scott James Furniture & Design, working out of the same Tiverton, Rhode Island workshop, parking in the same spot, and getting through the day with the same guys I’ve worked alongside of for years.
Oftentimes a client will come to us for some new pieces and mention that they own a few Stephen Plaud pieces from “years ago”. I laugh as I tell them I probably built that furniture, too.
My team and I work hard to carry on the tradition of American built heirloom furniture and throw in our own contemporary touches along the way. Most people are shocked at just how large the workshop actually is. They expect to see a garage with a Huffy 10-speed blocking the table saw but once we walk them through the 28,000 sq. feet, they leave a bit intimidated. We are passionate about every piece we make and love the opportunity to show clients the full scope of what we are capable of. Even after all these years, I still don't get tired of this building or the smell of sawdust.